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Kick off ImpactED '25 with our exclusive pre-conference off-site visits! Choose one of two dynamic off-site visits: The Science of Reading or 865 Academies. Spots are limited and registration is open now!

The Right to Read Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion

This session will begin with an introduction to the science of reading and its relation to the kinds of literacy instruction being supported and prohibited in recent state policies. Participants then will view The Right to Read documentary that features the work of Oakland NAACP activist and former teacher Kareem Weaver, who believes literacy is our most important civil right. It also features schools and families in California, Virginia, Mississippi, and Memphis, Tennessee, as they address children’s literacy. Lunch will be served following the film, and then, participants will have the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of an expert panel. The session will conclude with an overview of the One Book, Read City initiative sponsored by the Knox Education Foundation.

Watch the Right to Read trailer

Timing & Details:

  • 10:00 AM - 2:15 PM
  • Meet in the hotel lobby at 9:45 AM, bus will leave at 10:00 AM and depart from site visit at 2:15 PM.
  • Lunch is provided.
  • Transportation is provided; meet / pick up at The Gallery
  • Held at the University of Tennessee Tower Conference Center.
  • Driver's License / ID Required



Yvette Stewart

Dr. Deborah Reed

Stephen Santellan

This session is sponsored by:

Join NAEF for a pre-session focused on strengthening workforce development through the Academies model with Ford Next Generation Learning (Ford NGL). Learn more about the Academies model and how it can benefit your school district through this full day behind-the-scenes tour of two Knox County high schools (breakfast, lunch and transportation is provided). The Academies model is being used by school systems across the country to transform the traditional high school experience and strengthen community-based workforce development initiatives.

Knox County Schools (KCS) and Knox Education Foundation (KEF) partnered with Ford NGL to foster community conversations about college and career preparedness, focusing on the skills and competencies students need to be considered ready for success beyond high school. The collaboration with Ford NGL was a two-year process before implementation in the fall of 2022, creating a master plan to reimagine high school through a community led planning process. KEF is the convening organization and original funder for the 865 Academies.

A central tenant of the Academies is all students participate in workforce development through their coursework, not just those enrolled in Career & Technical Education classes. High schools are matched with local industry partners and companies who provide training, internships and job-shadowing opportunities to students as well as support for teachers who work in specific career-themed academies.

The Academies model provides a structure for students to explore careers and pathways available post-high school. The model offers real world experiences designed around two core components: small learning communities and career pathways. Instruction in the core academic classes is provided through the lens of each pathway and academy, providing a structured yet flexible framework for career interest, exploration and workforce development.

Using the Ford NGL Framework, the 865 Academies empower KCS students to be more knowledgeable and better equipped to craft a plan to success after graduation anchored in one of the following goals:

  • Enrolling in post-secondary studies.
  • Enlisting in service to their country.
  • Finding Employment in a high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand profession, with an Entrepreneurial mindset.

By creating career-themed academies at all 14 traditional high schools, the 865 Academies initiative allows students to:

  • Participate in authentic, work-based learning;
  • Receive opportunities for job shadows and other career exploration activities;
  • Work closely with professionals in their field of interest; and
  • Create stronger connections between classroom knowledge and workplace success.

Timing & Details:

  • 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Will have a pre-session from 8:00 - 9:00 AM in the Wiley room of the conference space in the hotel.
  • Bus will leave at 9:15 AM.
  • Breakfast & lunch are provided.
  • Transportation is provided; meet / pick-up at The Gallery

This session is sponsored by:

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