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Meet Lori Young

Executive Director
Adams 14 Education Foundation
Commerce City, CO

Lori graduated from Colorado State University with a BSW. She has worked in a variety of non-profits organizations including hospice, violence against women, youth services and finally at the Adams 14 Education Foundation. Lori is passionate about education and providing the tools to hard working students with a dream to further their education.

What led you to join NAEF?

"I appreciate the experience and support of other Foundation Executive Directors."

What do you find most rewarding about being part of NAEF’s community?

"The information from the newsletters is timely and invaluable to growing me as a leader. The opportunities to further my development in our organization are incredibly helpful."

Describe a recent accomplishment or experience from your work that stands out to you.

"I recently received a donation from a private funder to pay for a part time staff member. The funder expressed their trust and belief in my leadership to use the opportunity for advancement of our mission. This was the highest compliment of my career and our organization."

Could you share a challenge you’ve faced in your work and the way you navigated through it?

"I’m a new Executive Director in an organization that has experienced recent transitions. We have been given a financial opportunity to update our systems and revisit our mission and vision. We have changed our board meetings to include more discussion and decision time to make the process inclusionary of everyone’s experience and expertise. The board of directors are engaged and excited about the process and can see some lasting changes from the work they are doing."

What motivates you, in life and at work?

"Knowing the work I do, big or small, is impactful to the people we serve. I see the power effective leadership has in people’s lives. I strive to grow as a human and as a leader."

If someone was considering a career in the education foundation industry, what piece of advice would you give them?

"Keep your eyes on what’s important. Take each task as it comes. Be kind. Have fun."

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